Brandon Clayton Ng is a Cinematographer currently residing in Los Angeles. Born and raised in San Francisco, he is a 2nd generation Chinese-American who is heavily influenced by the last bits of romance that remained in the city. Having great pride in his roots, he felt encouraged to pursue a career that he could incorporate himself into. After he was enlightened to the art of cinema during his undergraduate at UC Santa Cruz, becoming a filmmaker was a natural next step.
He earned his M.F.A. in Film Production with a focus in cinematography at Chapman University, where he studied under Johnny E. Jensen, A.S.C. and Bill Dill, A.S.C.
While a great and deep love for imagery and story is shared with all his peers, he truly hopes to use those emotions to create a meaningful experience for an audience. Equipped with a great education, dedication to craft, and a passion that dwarfs the priors, Brandon is eager to collaborate and help bring your story into fruition.
Contact Info
email: phone: 925-895-3811